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How Banks and Credit Unions Can Attract and Retain Gen Z

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Financial technology and marketing tactics tailored for a new generation of account holders

It’s becoming clear to marketers that Generation Z (Gen Z) is much different than their predecessors. Marketing tactics that worked with their older siblings and parents may fall flat with this new generation.

And, it’s vital to get it right. This elusive generation, which is estimated to have $360B in spending power, is also the least likely cohort to stay loyal to their FI. They are also the most likely to cherry-pick solutions they can source in an instant on their mobile device.

Featuring the top takeaways from multiple research studies, key expert insights, and tactics financial institutions can put into action, today. With “How Banks and Credit Unions Can Attract and Retain Gen Z”, Alkami presents the ultimate guide to this truly unique and financially powerful population of account holders. Inside we explore:

• This new generation’s mindset and spending habits

• Their technology preferences, including security concerns and banking expectations

• And, we provide concrete, actionable ways to attract and retain them

For a detailed look into these tactics and a deeper understanding of Gen Z, download your copy of this important eBook today.

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Alkami Technology
Alkami Technology, Inc. is a leading cloud-based digital banking solutions provider for financial institutions in the United States that enables clients to grow confidently, adapt quickly and build thriving digital communities.


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