JUMP TO: How Alkami is Enabling Open Banking | FAQs
The momentum for open banking in the U.S. is propelled by digital-native consumers who desire greater control and transparency over their financial data. Consumers want to be able to share their data with, or remove their data from, any financial service provider they choose. This consumer-driven demand is already stimulating the development and launching of open banking technologies, even without confirmed regulatory mandates. Leading financial services firms and fintech companies are responding by forming partnerships to enhance data sharing frameworks that benefit consumers.
It is true that this industry shift will make it easier for account holders to move their account from one institution to another, and it is understandable that this change has many financial institution leaders concerned. If we make it easier for people to leave, what will convince them to stay?
Now, with the Open Banking solutions FIs have today, I’m no longer limited. My credit union now is part of Venmo. I can pay my babysitter in real time using CashApp. I can deposit checks via my mobile app instead of having to drive to the next town over. It really has changed the way I move money and no longer makes me think about moving my account. I can stay with my small town credit union because Open Banking solutions have opened my payment options.
Yes, there certainly may be financial institutions that will need to evaluate their account holder base and be strategic on how they handle possible attrition. However, accounts which may close as a result of the new functionality available to consumers, may not have been highly engaged or highly profitable accounts for those institutions in the first place. Those account holders may have been “already gone” – or what is often referred to as silently attriting.
The good news is that much can be done to prevent churn both prior to the change in regulations (right now!) and after the rules have completely rolled out. Learn more about using data to prevent churn here.
The CFPB’s rule which is aimed to be finalized by the fall of 2024, will require every institution operating in the U.S. to “offer the technology for apps to access consumers’ banking data securely and completely, at their request” according to Tyler Brown, senior research analyst for CCG Catalyst.
Recently on an American Banker webinar featuring Global Head of Policy for Plaid John Pitts, VP And Senior Counsel for Innovation Policy for the American Bankers Association (ABA) Ryan Miller, and Product Owner for Alkami, Jamie Lang, the group discussed where the responsibility for technology innovation would fall – the banks and credit unions, or their technology providers. Both Pitts and Lang agreed that the onus will be on the technology providers to prepare their account holder financial institutions with the structure and tools necessary to meet this new requirement.
Still, transitioning to open banking in the U.S. involves significant challenges, and the industry has concerns that smaller institutions may struggle with the financial and technical demands of such a shift. This has prompted calls from a variety of banking groups (like ABA) and fintech providers (like Plaid) to submit comment letters to the CFPB requesting the ability to charge fees to share data and allow for a phased implementation, among other things, to ease the burden and facilitate a smoother transition.
The implementation of open banking will ultimately position financial institutions to have a platform which provides API access to FinTechs, so that FinTechs can seamlessly and easily consume this data to provide value back to consumers. Banks and credit unions will be able to take this data, and give consumers what they want at the right time in their preferred channel. According to Deep Varma, chief technology officer at Alkami, banks and credit unions have a path forward, starting with asking the questions below and understanding what the expectations are with the future of open banking.
While some of these points are foreshadowing, financial institutions can lean on their core provider for support and expertise as this new rule unfolds.
Alkami’s extensibility offerings, through APIs and SDKs, are empowering financial institutions to seamlessly adapt and evolve, gaining limitless opportunities for integration, customization, and growth. Alkami open banking APIs enable financial institutions to integrate with P2P services like Venmo and Cash App, via Plaid. End users can easily link their checking accounts to Venmo or Cash App on the same day.
Customer examples:
Alkami has enabled its financial institution clients to benefit from direct application programming interface (API) access to Plaid, a data network powering over 8,000 popular financial apps and services. This is a first-to-market partnership with Plaid for Alkami where a majority of financial institutions are live, and Alkami is the first and largest major platform fully live on Plaid’s FDX aligned API, Core Exchange. Partnerships between technology providers like Alkami and platforms like Plaid will be critical to quickly scale secure and reliable financial data sharing, with minimal technical effort or resourcing.
With the FDX aligned API in place, Alkami’s financial institution clients can provide a reliable and consistent user experience for their end account holders, who can connect and link their financial accounts with Alkami. End users also benefit from a highly secure API connection and Alkami-powered financial institutions benefit from reduced friction, resulting in lower call center volume.
As open banking continues to evolve in the U.S., it remains a space watched closely by consumers and financial entities, both eager to see how these changes will unlock new potentials in personal finance management and beyond. According to the recently published ‘U.S. Open Banking 2024 Report’ by CCG Catalyst, “The final rule will likely vary little from what we see in the proposal, as remaining rulemaking appears to be coming down to minutiae (with many specific requests for public comment).”
Other Resources from Alkami
What is Open Banking?
Open Banking refers to a system where banks and financial institutions allow third-party providers to access account holders’ financial data through secure APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). This enables the development of new financial services and products, promoting innovation and competition.
Why is Open Banking important?
Open Banking can transform financial services by offering consumers more choices, improving service quality, and fostering innovation. It allows for personalized financial management tools, easier switching between banks or credit unions, and better loan and investment options.
How does Open Banking benefit consumers?
Consumers can benefit from:
What are the key challenges of Open Banking for banks and credit unions?
How can banks and credit unions ensure data security in Open Banking?
Banks and credit unions can implement layered security measures, including:
How can banks and credit unions prepare for Open Banking?
What role do APIs play in Open Banking?
APIs are crucial in Open Banking as they allow secure, standardized access to financial data. They enable third-party developers to create new financial services and applications that can integrate with existing banking systems.
How can Open Banking drive innovation?
Open Banking encourages innovation by:
What are some examples of Open Banking applications?
What are the best sources for information on these new regulations?
By understanding these FAQs, banks and credit unions can better navigate the Open Banking landscape, leverage its opportunities, and address its challenges effectively.